Preliminary Task Research and Planning

On this page I will document my research and planning process as I progress through the creation of my portfolio. 

Audience Theory (Written on 25/11/2015)
In media, there are two theories that explain why people have an interest in purchasing and consuming media such as magazines. The first of these is representation. Representation is the way in which people, places and ideas are represented in media text, to the audience. Representation works by using messages and strategies. Representation is unlike the other two theories as it is a concept rather than a theory. 

The second of these is called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. This theory states that people have a series of stages in life or needs. Different types of media can tend to these thus attracting people. These stages are:

  • Physiological - The need for people to do things that help them with survival.
  • Safety - People have a need for safety and security which can be filled by things such as shelter.
  • Love/Belonging - People have a need to be accepted and belong with other people. This can be filled by media as having have read the same magazine as someone gives those people a conversation topic which plays into belonging.
  • Esteem - People have a need to grow in status and be recognised for their actions. We have a need for fame which is similar to belonging as we have a need to be accepted on a large scale by as many people as possible.
  • Self Actualisation - People have a need to grow and improve themselves as people through means such as exercise and education. This can be provided by magazines that are informative.
The third of these is Blumler and Katz's theory of Uses and Gratification. This theory suggests that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media that they consume. The theory states that we choose the media that fills one of four needs, similar to the previous theory. These needs are:
  •  Diversion - One of these needs is diversion, this is a need to divert our attention from things at hand through the use of media. This is similar to escapism. 
  • Personal Relationships - The second of these needs is the need for personal relationships, media allows people to identify with others that are interested in the same media as them. Different forms of media give people a basis for conversation that leads to personal relationships.
  • Personal Identity - We have a need for a personal identity that separates us from others. Media helps with this as it reinforces our beliefs and ideas which helps grow a personal identity.
  • Surveillance - The last of these needs is a need for surveillance, this is a need to keep up to date with the world around us and to be aware of significant events. Media such as news papers and some magazines can inform people about what is going on in the world this satisfying this need.
Parts of these theories link together in the following ways:

Personal Relationships - Love/Belonging
Personal Identity - Esteem
Surveillance - Self Actualisation

Synergy With Kerrang! (22/01/2016)
Kerrang! is owned by Bauer media who also publish many other magazines such as Heat. This is a very effective way of using synergy to advertise. Kerrang! use these magazines and TV stations to advertise each other creating almost like a web of advertisement. 

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